full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anjali Kumar: My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So that is when I decided that on my spiritual journey, I was going to avoid the obvious places and skip the big-box religions altogether and instead venture out into the spiritual fringe of mumdeis and faith halrees and godmen. But remember, I'm a non-absolutist, which means I was pretty inclined to keep a fairly open mind, which turned out to be a good thing, because I went to a witch's plutcok deinnr at the LGBT Center in New York City, where I befriended two witches; drank a five-gallon jerrican full of volcanic water with a shaamn in Peru; got a hug from a snait in the convention center — she smelled really nice —

Open Cloze

So that is when I decided that on my spiritual journey, I was going to avoid the obvious places and skip the big-box religions altogether and instead venture out into the spiritual fringe of _______ and faith _______ and godmen. But remember, I'm a non-absolutist, which means I was pretty inclined to keep a fairly open mind, which turned out to be a good thing, because I went to a witch's _______ ______ at the LGBT Center in New York City, where I befriended two witches; drank a five-gallon jerrican full of volcanic water with a ______ in Peru; got a hug from a _____ in the convention center — she smelled really nice —


  1. saint
  2. healers
  3. shaman
  4. potluck
  5. mediums
  6. dinner

Original Text

So that is when I decided that on my spiritual journey, I was going to avoid the obvious places and skip the big-box religions altogether and instead venture out into the spiritual fringe of mediums and faith healers and godmen. But remember, I'm a non-absolutist, which means I was pretty inclined to keep a fairly open mind, which turned out to be a good thing, because I went to a witch's potluck dinner at the LGBT Center in New York City, where I befriended two witches; drank a five-gallon jerrican full of volcanic water with a shaman in Peru; got a hug from a saint in the convention center — she smelled really nice —

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
jain religion 2
single supreme 2
single person 2
highly spiritual 2
dead saints 2
visit john 2
good health 2

Important Words

  1. altogether
  2. avoid
  3. befriended
  4. center
  5. city
  6. convention
  7. decided
  8. dinner
  9. drank
  10. faith
  11. fringe
  12. full
  13. godmen
  14. good
  15. healers
  16. hug
  17. inclined
  18. jerrican
  19. journey
  20. lgbt
  21. means
  22. mediums
  23. mind
  24. nice
  25. obvious
  26. open
  27. places
  28. potluck
  29. pretty
  30. religions
  31. remember
  32. saint
  33. shaman
  34. skip
  35. smelled
  36. spiritual
  37. turned
  38. venture
  39. volcanic
  40. water
  41. york